Без рубрики

Jun 30

Attention graduates

The issuance of documents for the completion of training will be held on 07/07/2017.

Jun 29

The scientific work of our international students

At our school foreign students conduct active scientific work. A student from the People’s Republic of China Fan Haojie under the leadership of Professor Batrakov D.O. The measurements are carried out using the TRF-1 georadar. Students from China Chen Dongbo and He Yilun with Professor Batrakov DO On laboratory works on the special course “Nondestructive …

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Jun 27


21.06.2017 аt the academic council of the faculty were presented with letters of gratitude on behalf of the rector for the significant contribution to the development of the science of the university. Personal thanks received: Legnenky M. , Senior Researcher of the Department of Theoretical Radiophysics. Prikhodko K. , post-graduate student of the Department of …

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May 24


Congratulations to the staff member of our faculty, the senior research fellow of the department of theoretical radiophysics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Legenkiy Maxim with awarding him a nominal scholarship Sinelnikova Cyril Dmitrievich (in physics and astronomy). We wish him further success in science! More information about the event and rewarding: оn the …

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May 12

Attention RR-61 group students

Apr 19

State Prize

Decree of the President of Ukraine “On awarding the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology 2016” marked by our faculty researchers led by Professor Victor Katrich for work ” Creation of electronic emitting structures multifunction systems.” In particular, the State Prize awarded to: – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Vice-Rector Katrich Victor; …

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Jan 04

Exam results

The results of the exam for the course “Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics.”

Dec 28

Congratulations to our employee

Congratulations to our colleague, head of the department of quantum radiophysics Maslov Viacheslav Alexandrovich, on his election to the post of head of IEEE Ukraine Section PHO Society Chapter !

Dec 23

Exam on electrodynamics

Passed on electrodynamics for all groups will be held on 26.12 в 12:00 in room. 5-6 LAST TRY

Aug 23

To the attention of debtors

Attention students that are in arrears for the 3rd year!Retake exam on electrodynamics and course work take place on August 29th at 12:00 in the auditorium 5-6.

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