
Dec 23

Exam on electrodynamics

Passed on electrodynamics for all groups will be held on 26.12 в 12:00 in room. 5-6 LAST TRY

Dec 14

Exam on electrodynamics

Passed on electrodynamics for groups: РР-33, РР-36, РБ-31 will be held on 19.12 в 15:15 in room 5-6 РР-31, РР-32, РР-34, РР-37 will be held on 21.12 в 15:15 in room. 5-6 Re-writing the passing work and control work for all groups will take place 19.12 at 15:15 in the auditorium 5-6

Sep 21

Greetings to best students

We congratulate our students on being awarded the scholarships! Katherine O. Smirnova, group – PP-36: Scholarship named Popov Alexander Stepanovich. yltseva Victoria Igorevna, group – PP-41: Scholarship named Rozhansky Dmitry Appolinarievicha.

Jun 15

Protection of course work in electrodynamics

Tomorrow, June 16 at 11:00 am in the auditorium 5-6, the defense of course work in electrodynamics.

May 20


Congratulations to the assistant professor of department of theoretical radiophysics of our faculty Butrym Alexander Yu with honorary prize!

May 20

Congratulations to the winner!

Congratulations to the student of our faculty Ekaterina Demina and to her scientific adviser Vyacheslav V. Khardikov with a victory at the 10th Kharkiv regional competition of scientific works with the scientific work “The study of resonant scattering characteristics of light on completely new dielectric metamaterial of terahertz region”.

May 07

Congratulations on a holiday!

Apr 29

DRF 2016

Apr 04

Happy anniversary

Happy birthday Head of Department of Space Radio Physics, the candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Professor Oleg Fedorovich Tyrnov! We wish you happiness, health and long years of happy work for the benefit of our faculty. /2015/02/tyrnov.jpg” alt=”tyrnov” width=”200″ height=”285″ />

Apr 02


Dear colleagues! We are pleased to inform you that deadline for paper submission for MSMW’2016 Symposium has been extended to April 17, 2016. Do not miss the opportunity to participate in this event and share your achievements with your colleagues. You can find the Second Call of MSMW’2016 with detailed information about event on our …

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