Science events

Dec 14


Confirmation has been received that since 2017 the journal “Biophysical Bulletin”, which is issued on our faculty is indexed by the international scientific metric database Index Copernicus. Site of Bulletin Biophysical Bulletin in Index Copernicus

Nov 06

Scientific lecture

November 8, 2018 in aud. 5-6 from 12:00 to 13:30 a lecture on the topic “Nanostructured flat optics” will take place. Speaker: Senior Researcher, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University Vitaly Goryashko (Sweden).

Oct 19

Tournament of Young Physicists

On October 17, the I (district) stage of the city tournament of young physicists was held at the RBECS faculty. The tournament was attended by teams of 9 schools of the Kholodnogorsk region. The jury of the tournament was made up of teachers, staff, graduate students and senior students of the faculty RBECS. In particular, …

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Oct 11

Visit to 126 school

On October 9, representatives of the RBEC faculty Shulga Sergey Nikolaevich (dean of the faculty), Berest Vladimir Petrovich (head of the department of molecular and medical biophysics) and Legenkiy Maxim Nikolaevich (associate professor of the department of theoretical radiophysics) visited Kharkiv secondary school I-III steps №126 . A meeting was held with students of 10-11 …

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Sep 24


From 04.09 to 07.09 in Odessa, was held an international conference dedicated to ultra-wideband and ultrashort impulse signals INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ULTRAWIDEBAND AND ULTRASHORT IMPULSE SIGNALS (UWBUSIS- 2018) . Within the framework of the conference, a competition of young scientists was held with the assistance of the European Microwave Association (EuMA) . The jury, which …

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Sep 24


From 04.09 to 07.09 in Odessa, based on the Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after A.S. Popov , an international conference was held dedicated to ultrawideband and ultrashort impulse signals INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ULTRAWIDEBAND AND ULTRASHORT IMPULSE SIGNALS (UWBUSIS-2018 ) . The main organizer of the conference was department of theoretical radiophysics of our …

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Jul 04

Traveling Science in Lviv

Last week the Kharkov project “Traveling Science” visited Lviv. The structure of the organizers and participants of the project includes representatives of our school. You can watch the video report about the event on this link. A short demonstration of the exhibitionof our school, conducted by our student Irina Balakhnina, can be found on the …

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May 23

Congratulations to the Department of Applied Electrodynamics!

Congratulations to the department of applied electrodynamics with the first place in the section “Promoting the scientific work of students” for the best scientific and methodological support of the educational process!

May 22

Order of Princess Olga to biophysics!

For significant personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian science, the strengthening of the scientific and technical potential of Ukraine, longstanding conscientious work and high professionalism, the Order of Princess Olga III degree was awarded to Anna Shestopalova – doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor of department of molecular and medical biophysics our school, …

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Apr 06

Certification training

From February 14 to March 13 2018, a program for improving the qualification “Ukrainian language – professional orientation” took place. On April 5, 2018, the ceremonial presentation of the documents on the advanced training for the 19 employees of the Physics-Energy Faculty, the Faculty of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems took place. Congratulations to …

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