Science events

Aug 07

Prizes for Young Scientists

For his work in the field of natural, technical and social sciences and humanities NAS Presidium annually (in February), fourteen awards prizes for young scientists and fourteen awards for students of higher educational institutions. Prizes are awarded to individual authors or groups of authors of the best scientific works, as well as a series of …

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Aug 06

Competition for young scientists

It held a design competition of research works of young scientists of the NAS of Ukraine. Regulations about the contest. Agreement.

Jul 01

Science for school

The vivarium of Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin June 11, 2015 the director of the Institute of Biology, Professor AI Bozhkov and head of the Laboratory of quantum biology and quantum medicine faculty RFBMEiKS AM Korobov familiarized students in grades 1-4 (36) school number 36 with carrying out research on experimental animals. Vivarium …

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Jun 30

Publications of our employees

The book of an employee of the school, the head of the laboratory of quantum biology and quantum medicine Korobov A.M. “Phototherapy devices A. Korobov – Korobov VA series” Barwa “” won the third prize in the scientific and popular publications, conducted MES of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Foundation for …

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Jun 23

Scientific Seminar

Jun 12

Thesis of our staff

June 5, 2015 in the auditorium. 3-9 Kharkiv National University. VN Karazin defended dissertation Senyuta Vladislav Stanislavovich “Formation of events with a spatially non-uniform polarization in waveguide resonators terahertz” for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, specialty 01.04.03 – radio physics. Of the 25 members of the Dissertation Council was attended by …

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Jun 12

Scientific work of our students

Third-year student of the faculty Khrychev Vladislav participated in the XXIII International Conference “Mathematics. Education. Informatization”, which took place on May 31, 2015 in Kazan. Vladislav made a report on “the development of radio physics and mathematics.”

May 28

Our graduate – honorary doctor of French University

Our 1975 graduate of leading scientist and head of the Laboratory of micro and nano-optics of the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics of NAS of Ukraine (Kharkiv) Nosich Alexander I. was made an honorary doctor of the University of Rennes 1. Congratulations to Alexander Iosifovich with such an outstanding scientific achievement! Details.

May 25

Young Scientists Forum

From September 29 to October 2, 2015 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk the International Forum of young scientists in applied physics YSF-2015 will be held. A limited number of travel grants are available. The deadline for online registration and abstract submission is 06/01/2015. Details on the Forum website.

May 20

Scientific achievements of our students

May 15, 2015 in the Palace of students of the National Law University named after Yaroslav the Wise solemn presentation of diplomas to the winners of the IX Kharkiv regional competition of students’ scientific works on natural, technical and humanities. The winners were congratulated Vladimir Petrovich Seminozhenko, chairman of the North-East Nakova center Tatsiy Vasily …

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