Science events

May 20

European Programme for Regional Cooperation

Accepted documents for grants under the program KEP AUSTRIA. Documents are accepted by a two-step procedure: Applicants must fill out a brief summary of the work not later than Monday 1 June 2015, 17:00:00 (time of Trieste). Only a small number of candidates are the details of his project. Подробности.

May 20

Grants from “SASPRO”

Grants from “SASPRO” (input circuit) are designed for researchers who have not lived or performed their main activity in the Slovak Republic for more than 12 months during the last 3 years prior to application. Start date for receiving applications is 29 April 2015. The deadline for submitting applications is July 27, 2015. Details.

May 08

Environmental grants from “TOYOTA”

Deadline for applications – June 3, 2015. The company “TOYOTA” provides grants for projects in the field of biodiversity conservation and measures against the acceleration of global warming. Social contribution activities “Toyota Motor Corporation” (TMS) to support environmental revitalization and conservation activities both in Japan and abroad for sustainable development. Grant theme “Biodiversity Conservation” and …

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May 05

Competition for travel grants

The project BILAT – UKR*AINA is a contest for grants for travel for Ukrainian researchers who intend to participate in a competition program “GORIZONT2020” in the following priority areas: New materials and processing technologies Information and communication technologies Biotechnologies Aeronautics Details.

May 05

Mexican scholarships for foreigners

The Mexican government has announced a competition for scholarships for foreigners, namely, scholarships for teachers to carry out teaching at educational and research institutions; fellowships for scholars to conduct lectures and research reports; Scholarships “Genaro Estrada” for experts to carry out research projects in Mexico; scholarships for the realization of artistic projects in Mexico; scholarships …

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Apr 17

Jobs for our graduates

Abercrombie & Fitch Diversity Champions Award details Postdoc and PhD studentship : Brno, Czech Republic details Postdoctoral researcher : Uppsala, Sweden details Junior Research Group Leader : Dresden, Germany details The Helena Anna Henzl-Gabor Young Women in Science Fund For Postdoctoral Scholars details

Apr 09

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced a contest

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in collaboration with other academic institutions in Sweden and with support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg began a program aimed at the development of advanced research in Sweden. A contest for young scientists in the field of medicine, natural sciences, engineering, humanities and social sciences. The program provides funding …

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Apr 09

Competition research projects

“Targeted research and development initiatives” In accordance with the Agreement on Cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Science and Technology Centre (STCU) has announced a new joint call NASU and STCU program “Targeted research and development initiatives” with the financing of projects on a parity basis. Details of the …

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Apr 09

Competition Ukrainian-France research projects

JOINT COMPETITION NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND THE NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 2016 The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) and the National Centre for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) on the basis of agreement between them announce a competition of joint projects PICS * 2016 for financial support …

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Apr 08

Competition Ukrainian-Lithuanian research projects

Competition joint Ukrainian-Lithuanian research projects for the period 2016-2017 years From March 30 to May 29, 2015 the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania announce a competition joint Ukrainian-Lithuanian research projects for the period 2016-2017. The competition is …

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