Student events

Sep 27

Night of Science at the School

24.09.2016 our faculty hosted annual Day of Science . The staff and students of our faculty have demonstrated to everyone interesting and entertaining experience and read popular lectures.

Sep 27

Congratulations to our student

September 22 in the gym of the Northern Corps held university championship in table tennis among first-year students. Second place among the girls took a student of our faculty Margarita SALTANOVSKAYA. Congratulations to Margaret and wish her further sporting success!

Jul 07

Questions for the exam to magistracy

On the page Areas of training our site contains questions for the entrance entrance examination in applied physics for admission to training in educational and professional programs in the field of training Masters: 105 «Applied Physics and Nanomaterials» (specialization “Radiophysics and Electronics” and “biophysics”) 153 «Micro- and Nanosystem Technology» specialization «Physical and Biomedical Electronics»

Jun 15

Protection of course work in electrodynamics

Tomorrow, June 16 at 11:00 am in the auditorium 5-6, the defense of course work in electrodynamics.

Jun 03

Additional questions for the exam on electrodynamics

06.11.2016 according to schedule exam will be held on electrodynamics in students of 3rd year (PP-group 31-37 and RB-31) . Exam written all students. Protection of the examination papers will take place later. To protect allowed students who defended their course work on electrodynamics. A list of additional questions for the exam

May 31

Well done

Student of our faculty Alexander Gritsenko for victory in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers received personal thanks from the rector of the Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin. And what can I say? Well done, definitely!

May 31

Meeting with graduates of the preparatory faculty

May 27 held a meeting with graduates of the preparatory faculty of the Center for International Education. Оur dean Sergey Shulga held a speech and our faculty student showed graduates a series of interesting experiments.

May 18

Excursion to the radio telescope

May 17, students of the RBEKS Faculty visited radio astronomy observatory UTR-2 (Ukrainian T-shaped radio telescope 2) RINA in Grakova village. The tour was held with the support of Kharkiv Chapter IEEE. Informative lectures and a tour was made by member Kharkiv Chapter IEEE Fellow Rina Sergey Erin. Students are familiarized with the work of …

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May 12

Competitions on table tennis

The KNU Karazin was a traditional table tennis tournament on Dean prizes physics, biomedical electronics and computer systems, which has become a tradition on the Day of radio physics. Your attention submitted the results of our competition.

May 12

Тournament results

The KNU Karazin held traditional tournaments in chess and checkers on the dean prizes physics, biomedical electronics and computer systems. Note that these tournaments have become a good tradition, on the Day of radio physics. Your attention submitted the results of our competition. The chess tournament with a score of 7 points in 7 won …

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