Student events

Feb 23

The choice of course work

For the attention of students of the 3-rd course of specialty “radiophysics”! To choose the theme of the course work on electrodynamics, you need to relevant page site of the Department of theoretical radiophysics enter free theme number and your family name, name and patronymic on Ukrainian language . Foreign students must enter their family …

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Feb 03

Academic debt

The following students a deadline elimination of academic debt is August 31, 2016:

Jan 04

Test on electrodynamics

Attention third year! Passed on electrodynamics will be held January 22 at 12.00 in the auditorium. 5-6. Questions offset.

Dec 30

Our student – World Champion

Congratulations to our student Igor Gavrichkin to give first place in the world championship fight Cossack.

Dec 07

Sporting successes of our first-year students

Congratulations to the students of the school (Group RE-11) Michael Buriak with 3 place in the regional sports competitions in table tennis!

Nov 30

Results of the test

By the third year the students! Online Radio Physics Department of Theoretical results currently hosted famous reference work on electrodynamics. Currently added results for the RR group 31-32. Link.

Nov 18

The victory of our student

Congratulations to the students of our school Igor Gavrichkin with victory in the Open Cup of Ukraine on Kempo karate!

Nov 02

Competition “Miss Freshman”

The university held a competition of Youth, Beautiful, and Frtistic “Miss Freshman – 2015”. Congratulations to our faculty representative Goncharenko Jana with the title of “Miss Popularity” and winning in the internet voting.

Oct 28

Sport successes of our students

Congratulations to the students of our faculty Igor Havrichkina the first place in the tournament on Muay Thai Sport, held 22-24 October 2015 in Kharkiv.

Sep 29

Scientific achievements of our students

Students of our school Anton Chernov (group RE-41) took part in an international conference Direct an Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED – 2015) which was held on 21-24 September in Lviv. For the best report about “Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Human Cell Irradiation by Impulse Electromagnetic Field” Anton was …

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