Student events

Dec 27

Our students in the Landau Center

During the last several years our faculty has been actively participating in the event from the Landau Center “Traveling exhibition of interesting science”. As part of this event, the students of the faculty show to schoolchildren interesting experiments with the help own-made devices. Active participation in this event is taken by students: Irina Balakhnina (РР-31), …

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Dec 21

Congratulations to our athletes!

Протягом листопада та грудня 2017 року проходили обласні студентські змагання з футзалу під назвою “Спорт протягом життя”. У змаганнях взяли участь 24 команди, серед яких 2 – з Каразінського університету. У фінальному матчі каразінці перемогли з рахунком 3:1 і 3-ий раз поспіль стали переможцями змагань. У складі команди-переможця 4-ро студентів нашого факультету: Владислав Моспан (РР-21), …

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Dec 19

Report about the seminar

Yesterday at our faculty a seminar for students and post-graduate students under the name”Student workshop on modern physics: Flatland Optics and Extreme Light” was held.The seminar was organized with the support of Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education STINT. In the framework of the seminar representatives of the University of Uppsala …

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Dec 11


At the Karazin University on the initiative of the public organization “Unlimited opportunities” the final of the table tennis tournament among people with disabilities was held. Among the winners are two students of Karazin University, in particular a student of the Faculty of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems Margarita Saltanovska. We congratulate Margarita, and …

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Nov 29

Seminar for senior students and postgraduate students

18 December 2017 at the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (within the framework of the European project STINT, based on the School of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems) will hold a one-day mini-workshop for senior and PhD students.Within the mini-workshop, several reports on low-dimensional photonics and ultrashort pulses (“extreme light”) are planned. We invite …

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Nov 22


At the 68th Student Games of the Kharkiv national university named after V.N. Karazin team of our faculty took an honorable second place! Congratulations to our athletes!

Nov 09


At the international conference “2017 IEEE International Young Scientists Forum On Applied Physics And Engineering (YSF-2017)“, that was held from 17 till 20 of oktober in city Lviv, a student of our faculty was awarded. For the report “Stationary Phototherapeutic Device of A.Korobov-V.Korobov “Barva-SDS” for Diabetic Foot Syndrome Prophylaxis and Treatment. Case Study” Marina Yushkova, …

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Oct 30

Congratulations to our athletes!

On October 26, 2017, the winners of the 3×3 basketball tournament among first-year students were identified. The team of our faculty consisting of: Belkin Kirill, Nikitin Nikitа, Alexander Pertsov, group RR-12 took the honorable second place. In total, 8 teams took part in the competitions. Congratulations to our athletes and wish you continued success in …

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Oct 09

Night of science

On 30.09 an annual event called “The Night of Science” was held in Kharkov. This event was attended by 5 higher educational institutions of Kharkov, including K.N.U. named after V.N. Karazin. At the disposal of visitors were the hall and the second floor of the main building, where ten locations were presented, connected with physics, …

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Oct 06

Meeting with graduates from Vietnam

Recently our university was visited by 2 graduates of our faculty from Vietnam: Nguyen Van Chong and Pham Quang Vinh. Both graduates are former students of the department molecular and medical biophysics 1983 and 1985 of release. During the university visit, the graduates visited the faculty, met their first curator and told about their achievements. …

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