
Jan 11

To the attention of graduates!

January 14, 2019 in the Kharkiv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after Nikolai Lysenko to hold solemn events on the occasion of the graduation of masters of Karazin University, in particular, the best graduates will be awarded with commemorative medals and a festive concert. The event starts at 10:00. The issuance of …

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Dec 14


Confirmation has been received that since 2017 the journal “Biophysical Bulletin”, which is issued on our faculty is indexed by the international scientific metric database Index Copernicus. Site of Bulletin Biophysical Bulletin in Index Copernicus

Dec 11


Karazinsky University held competitions among students of higher educational institutions of Kharkov in table tennis according to the program of regional student competitions “Sport for Life.” According to the results of the competition, the first women’s team of Karazinsky University won, which was supported by a student of our faculty Margarita Saltanovska (RE-31) (on the …

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Dec 04

We wish you a successful scientific career in Spain!

In the fall of this year, a graduate of our faculty, Marina Yushkova, entered graduate school in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications (Computer Engineering and Telecommunications) in the Hardware & Control Technology Laboratory of Autonomous University of Madrid . The topic of work is “Control and emulation of switched power converters”. The head of Marina was …

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Dec 03

University Beauty 2019 – the qualifying stage

The preparation for the traditional annual university competition “University Beauty – 2019” is announced. The competition “University Beauty” is held in 3 stages: qualifying, preparatory, final. During the qualifying round there is a casting of female students who have expressed a desire to take part in the competition. Representatives of faculties participate in casting on …

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Nov 16

Career week

As part of the “Career Week”, a meeting of students with representatives of a number of organizations was held at the school. Scientific Secretary of the Institute of the Ionosphere of the NAS and DES of Ukraine M.V. Lyashenko, Chairman of the PTILT named after B.I. Verkina NASU Council of Young Scientists O.N. Vatazhuk., chief …

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Nov 06

Scientific lecture

November 8, 2018 in aud. 5-6 from 12:00 to 13:30 a lecture on the topic “Nanostructured flat optics” will take place. Speaker: Senior Researcher, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University Vitaly Goryashko (Sweden).

Nov 05

Open Day

On November 4, during the open day at the RBECS school, the participants and winners of the 1st (district) stage of the city tournament of young inventors and rationalizers and the tournament of young physicists among the schools of Kholodnogorsky district were awarded. The tournament of young inventors and rationalizers was held on October 9, …

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Oct 31


07.11.2018 (Wednesday) at 13:40 in Aud.3-9 there will be a meeting of students of the RBECІ faculty with employers. We invite students of 2-6 courses! Also, for 3-6 year students 01.11.2018 at 12:15 in the Column Hall, the Job Fair will be held.

Oct 19

Tournament of Young Physicists

On October 17, the I (district) stage of the city tournament of young physicists was held at the RBECS faculty. The tournament was attended by teams of 9 schools of the Kholodnogorsk region. The jury of the tournament was made up of teachers, staff, graduate students and senior students of the faculty RBECS. In particular, …

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