
Oct 06

Meeting with graduates from Vietnam

Recently our university was visited by 2 graduates of our faculty from Vietnam: Nguyen Van Chong and Pham Quang Vinh. Both graduates are former students of the department molecular and medical biophysics 1983 and 1985 of release. During the university visit, the graduates visited the faculty, met their first curator and told about their achievements. …

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Oct 06

Biophysics is fashionable

On Wednesday, October 4, the Nobel Committee officially announced the names of the Nobel Prize winners-2017 in chemistry. It received three biophysics Jacques Dubois, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson. Source The Scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of high-resolution cryoelectron microscopy to determine the structures of biomolecules in solution. Cryoelectron …

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Oct 05

Congratulations on the successful defense!

A graduate of our faculty, Valentyna Kuznetsova, defended her Ph.D. thesis at the University of South Bohemia in Cesek Budejovice. That’s what Valentyna recalls about her scientific career and about her studies at our faculty. “In the summer of 2011, I graduated from the Radiophysics Faculty of KhNU. V.N. Karazin specializing in physical and biomedical …

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Sep 21

Congratulations to our young scientists!

In August of this year, young scientists of our faculty presented the projects of three scientific papers for the competition of scientific projects of scientific works and scientific and technical (experimental) developments of young scientists, which is being conducted by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine in 2017. September 19, 2017 The Tender Committee of …

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Sep 15

Alma mater – 2017

It became known the timetable for holding the first-year creativity competition “Alma mater-2017“. The contest will take place in 3 stages: Stage I – rehearsal and preparation of competitive programs of faculties from 20.09.2017 to 20.10.2017 Stage II – competitive meeting of the faculty teams from 23.10.2017 to 27.10.2017 The presentation of the Faculty of …

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Sep 11


In the framework of communication with students, we asked freshmen why they chose our faculty. Today we publish the answer of student Alexander Pertsov to the question “Why RBECS?”. -I chose the Faculty of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems, because it gives me the opportunity to learn deeply about physics, mathematics and computer science. …

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Sep 06

IEEE appreciation

Employees of our faculty in the Kharkiv IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) The SP / AP / C / EMC Joint Chapter (IEEE SP / AP / C / EMC Associates) were awarded by IEEE Signal Processing Society honorary certificates for activity and assistance in the development of SpS Kharkiv Chapter. On the …

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Sep 04

The results of the faculty work on the results of 2016/2017 academic year

As of 01.07.2017, the faculty has one of the highest percentages of the content of highly qualified personnel in the university 97.5% – (40 full-time scientific and pedagogical workers, 14 doctors of science, professors, 25 candidates of science, associate professors, 39 teachers with a scientific degree and academic title). Prof. Chernogor L.F. received the title …

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Sep 01

Meeting of first year students with the staff of the faculty

30.08 at our faculty a meeting of 1st-year students took place with the staff of the dean’s office, faculty and group curators.

Aug 23

Incredible adventures of students of our faculty in the Czech Republic

In July of this year, students of our faculty Balyuk Alina, Mysocka Anastasia, Pisklova Polina (group RB-41), Kotelevets Nikolay (group RB-51), Maschenko Alexander, Shaposhnikova Anastasia (group RB-61), Pichka Ekaterina, Sizonov Yaroslav (group RE-41), Mudrak Andrey and Movchan Alexander (group RE-61) took part in the international summer student’s school organized by Czech University of Southern Bohemia …

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