
Aug 23

Scientific achievements of our employee

Within the framework of the cooperation between the Ukrainian-German Academic Center of the KNU named after V.N. Karazin with the Laser Center of Hanover, the scientist of school of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems Antonenko E.A., two experimental approaches were studied to obtain the stabilization effect of an aqueous suspension: ozonization of a suspension …

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Jul 13

Congratulations to our graduates!

On 1 July 2017 a solemn presentation of diplomas was held at the faculty. At 11:00 the presentation of diplomas to bachelors took place. We invite them to continue education at our faculty . At 13:00, the presentation of diplomas to masters took place. We congratulate them and wish them further success in life and …

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Jul 10

Questions for exams for admission to the magistracy

A list of questions for the exam in applied physics for admission to the Master’s program at the School RBECS in 2017: questions for admission to specialty 105 “Applied physics and nanomaterials”, specialization “radiophysics and electronics”; questions for admission to specialty 105 “Applied physics and nanomaterials”, specialization “biophysics” questions for admission to specialty 153 “Micro- …

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Jul 07

Attention graduates

Issuance of documents on graduation will be held on July 11, 2017 in the auditorium. 3-9. At 11:00 for bachelors At 13:00 for masters

Jul 06

Our graduate is a professional engineering doctor!

In June 2017, the graduate of our faculty Antonov Alexander at the University of Twente (the Netherlands) successfully defended the diploma of a professional engineer in optics and semiconductor technology for his work on the SMILE project “Smart Multilayer Interactive Optis for Lithography at Extreme UV wavelengths” Semiconductor technology Here is what Alexander tells about …

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Jul 05

Scientific research in the laser center of Hanover

As part of the cooperation between the Kharkiv National University named after V.N.Karazin with the Laser Center of Hanover, with the support of the pro-rector for scientific work of Professor V.A. Katrich, joint research of a group of scientists was conducted. Among them one would like to single out the representatives of our faculty: the …

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Jun 30

Attention graduates

The issuance of documents for the completion of training will be held on 07/07/2017.

Jun 29

The scientific work of our international students

At our school foreign students conduct active scientific work. A student from the People’s Republic of China Fan Haojie under the leadership of Professor Batrakov D.O. The measurements are carried out using the TRF-1 georadar. Students from China Chen Dongbo and He Yilun with Professor Batrakov DO On laboratory works on the special course “Nondestructive …

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Jun 27


21.06.2017 аt the academic council of the faculty were presented with letters of gratitude on behalf of the rector for the significant contribution to the development of the science of the university. Personal thanks received: Legnenky M. , Senior Researcher of the Department of Theoretical Radiophysics. Prikhodko K. , post-graduate student of the Department of …

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May 24


Congratulations to the staff member of our faculty, the senior research fellow of the department of theoretical radiophysics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Legenkiy Maxim with awarding him a nominal scholarship Sinelnikova Cyril Dmitrievich (in physics and astronomy). We wish him further success in science! More information about the event and rewarding: оn the …

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