
May 18

Attention 4-th cource

To the attention of the 4th year students there are questions submitted for the exam at the course “Solid State Electronics” Question list

Apr 26

Radiophysical specialization

It’s time for radiophysicists studentsto select a specialization for which they will learn during courses 3 and 4. Choosing a specialization, each student chooses a series of specific courses of free choice. So for review is a list of majors and composition of each courses for free and prudent choice. List of specializations

Apr 25

Think of a startup?

On April 26, Alla Sladkovskaya, the manager of work with start-ups of the telecom-accelerator “RADAR TECH”, will give a lecture on the theme “There is an idea for a startup: what to do next?” In the classroom 2-49 of the main building of the university. As part of the lecture, students will be able to …

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Apr 20

Exhibition of educational programs

04/20/2017 Kharkov National University hosted an exhibition of master educational programs. The program of our faculty

Apr 20


We congratulate our students, Mikhail Buryak and Saltanovskaya Margarita with the third place in the table tennis tournament for the cup of the student trade union committee of Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin. We wish them further success in sport and study! CHARTER 1 CHARTER 2 CHARTER 3

Apr 20

Faculty newspaper

We present to your attention newspaper of our faculty made by students! Authors: students of group RR-21 Cherkasov DV, Butenko V.V. Editor: Dumin A.N. Issue 1

Apr 19

Meeting with the students of the 119th school

04/18/2017 at our faculty a meeting of the dean of the faculty with students of the 8-a grade of 119 school was held. During the meeting, the students were shown interesting exams and scientific equipment.

Apr 19

School of Young Scientists

The Kharkiv Joint SP/AP/C/EMC/COM Chapters of the of IEEE Ukraine Section organized and held a series of lectures for young scientists and students in the frame of the School of Young Scientists with the support of the EMC Society. The lecture “EMC in Radio Astronomy” by Sergey Erin was held in radio telescope UTR-2 (Ukrainian …

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Apr 19

State Prize

Decree of the President of Ukraine “On awarding the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology 2016” marked by our faculty researchers led by Professor Victor Katrich for work ” Creation of electronic emitting structures multifunction systems.” In particular, the State Prize awarded to: – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Vice-Rector Katrich Victor; …

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Apr 13

SSS of the school

  At our faculty there is a student scientific society (SSS). There are 12 active members in the scientific community. Each student of the faculty deals with science in some measure: scientific publications, participation in conferences, round tables, seminars, open lectures and so on. The main activity of the SSS is to inform and interest …

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