
Dec 23

Exam on electrodynamics

Passed on electrodynamics for all groups will be held on 26.12 в 12:00 in room. 5-6 LAST TRY

Dec 14

Exam on electrodynamics

Passed on electrodynamics for groups: РР-33, РР-36, РБ-31 will be held on 19.12 в 15:15 in room 5-6 РР-31, РР-32, РР-34, РР-37 will be held on 21.12 в 15:15 in room. 5-6 Re-writing the passing work and control work for all groups will take place 19.12 at 15:15 in the auditorium 5-6

Nov 23

Our staff in China

7-15 November 2016 the delegation of the faculty in the execution Chinese government grant under the theme “Magnetocardiography” visited Harbin Engineering University (Harbin, China). During the visit, the dean of the Faculty of physics, biomedical electronics and computer systems, Professor Sergei Shulga and Professor, Department of Space Radio Physics Leonid Chornogor was awarded a certificate …

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Nov 18

Alma Mater

21/10/2016 a concert Alma Mater took place. The students of the first course of our faculty came up with an interesting and witty program. One of the acts of the program has been selected for the gala concert, which took place on 17.11.2016 in the concert hall of the main building of the university.

Nov 18

Congratulations to the best student of our faculty

Within the solemn meeting of the Academic Council of the University, dedicated to the 212th anniversary of the signing of the instrument of affirmative basis of Kharkov University, 20 best students of the University and the Teaching and Research Institute “Karazin School of Business” were awarded. Congratulations to the best student of our faculty, Plahtiy …

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Oct 26

Meeting with students

24.10.2016 at the Faculty a meeting with students from boarding school “Prodigy” was held . Many interesting experiments were shown to the Students. A. Korobov told about optical medical instrumentation, that were designed into their laboratory. Titar V told about holography and have had shown a few interesting holographies. Also student of our faculty Podcherniaev …

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Oct 21


On September 30, 2016, the Head of the Student Academic Council of Karazin University, student from the School of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems, Yevhenii Lobanov, was elected Head of Kharkiv Regional Student Council. Congratulations to Yevhenii, and wishes of success and creative inspiration!

Sep 27

Night of Science at the School

24.09.2016 our faculty hosted annual Day of Science . The staff and students of our faculty have demonstrated to everyone interesting and entertaining experience and read popular lectures.

Sep 27

Congratulations to our student

September 22 in the gym of the Northern Corps held university championship in table tennis among first-year students. Second place among the girls took a student of our faculty Margarita SALTANOVSKAYA. Congratulations to Margaret and wish her further sporting success!

Sep 21

Greetings to best students

We congratulate our students on being awarded the scholarships! Katherine O. Smirnova, group – PP-36: Scholarship named Popov Alexander Stepanovich. yltseva Victoria Igorevna, group – PP-41: Scholarship named Rozhansky Dmitry Appolinarievicha.

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