
Feb 23

The choice of course work

For the attention of students of the 3-rd course of specialty “radiophysics”! To choose the theme of the course work on electrodynamics, you need to relevant page site of the Department of theoretical radiophysics enter free theme number and your family name, name and patronymic on Ukrainian language . Foreign students must enter their family …

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Feb 19


ATTENTION! Relatives who have affected in the zone ATO, or those who were involved in the fighting, ask the deanery

Feb 19

Medical examination of the 3rd course

03.03.16 з 9:00 по 13:00 will be medical examination for students of 3rd year. Please have you’r Photofluorography with you.

Feb 10

Young Scientists Conference

From 6 to 10 June 2016 in Kharkov will be held 7 international conference for young scientists “Low Temperature Physics” ICYS LTP 2016. The deadline for registration and submission of reports to the Conference March 1, 2016. Details about the conference. The site of the conference.

Feb 03

Academic debt

The following students a deadline elimination of academic debt is August 31, 2016:

Feb 01

Professor Emeritus of the University

Congratulations to the Head of the Department of Theoretical Radio Physics of our school, Kolchigin Nikolay , on being awarded the honorary title “Professor Emeritus of the Karazin Kharkiv National University”!

Jan 29

Open Day

News about the open day at the university site.

Jan 04

Test on electrodynamics

Attention third year! Passed on electrodynamics will be held January 22 at 12.00 in the auditorium. 5-6. Questions offset.

Jan 04

Terms of admission

Became known the conditions of admission to the 1st and 5th courses of the Faculty in 2016. For details, see the following link.

Dec 30

Scientific conference on laser physics and optoelectronics

12-15 September 2016 held in Odessa 7nd International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL*2016). Details. Conference website.

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