
Dec 30

Our student – World Champion

Congratulations to our student Igor Gavrichkin to give first place in the world championship fight Cossack.

Dec 25

Most popular specialties

Biophysics in hundreds of the most popular specialties of the coming decades! Expected number of vacancies for biophysicists – over 6500 up to 2022. Department of Molecular and Medical Biophysics of our faculty produces every year 12-15 Master, which means that all of them will be able to find a decent job! Source.

Dec 21


Despite the coming session, our university students do not cease to find the time to do good deeds. Since 16 and 18 December, the eve of St. Nicholas, the asset Charity Commission Student Council traveled to orphanages: the regional specialized orphanage “Green Guy” (pos. High, Kharkiv region.) And the center of social and psychological rehabilitation …

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Dec 07

Sporting successes of our first-year students

Congratulations to the students of the school (Group RE-11) Michael Buriak with 3 place in the regional sports competitions in table tennis!

Nov 30

Results of the test

By the third year the students! Online Radio Physics Department of Theoretical results currently hosted famous reference work on electrodynamics. Currently added results for the RR group 31-32. Link.

Nov 30

Literary success of our students

Congratulations to the students of our school Shevelev Nikita with a victory in the student literary competition!

Nov 25

Birthday Dean

Congratulations to the dean of your school Sergei Nikolaevich Olga Happy Birthday! We wish him good health and success in all things, and many years of work for the benefit of the school!

Nov 24

Competition in volleyball

Congratulations to the team of our school with a third place in the competition in volleyball at the student Olympics! Our team: Papusha А., Levitskiy М., Shama V., Basov S., Kvasha А., Petruk V., Bondarenko S. and Berdov Yu..

Nov 18

The victory of our student

Congratulations to the students of our school Igor Gavrichkin with victory in the Open Cup of Ukraine on Kempo karate!

Nov 12

Sports achievements of our student

Congratulations to the students of our faculty Igor Gavrichkina second place in the Cup of Kharkiv region in kickboxing (competition held Nov. 8, 2015) and first place in the championship of Ukraine “Cossack fight” (the competition held on 6-7 November 2015).

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