
Nov 06

Open Day at the School

Nov 04

Science lecture

At the invitation of SP/AP/C/EMC/COM IEEE chapter Professor Qing Huo Liu lecture Subsurface Sensing and Super-Resolution Imaging: Application of Computational Acoustics and Electromagnetics . Professor Liu Qing Huo is a Fellow Member IEEE, Distinguished Lecturer on Antennas and Propagation Society, he works in one of the leading universities in the United States, Duke University (North …

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Nov 02

Competition “Miss Freshman”

The university held a competition of Youth, Beautiful, and Frtistic “Miss Freshman – 2015”. Congratulations to our faculty representative Goncharenko Jana with the title of “Miss Popularity” and winning in the internet voting.

Oct 28

Sport successes of our students

Congratulations to the students of our faculty Igor Havrichkina the first place in the tournament on Muay Thai Sport, held 22-24 October 2015 in Kharkiv.

Oct 17

Our student – scholarship

В Каразинском университете состоялась торжественная церемония награждения стипендиатов конкурса для студентов и молодых ученых, организованного Харьковским городским благотворительным фондом Юрия Сапронова. Мероприятие прошло с участием председателя фонда Юрия Сапронова, проректора, академика Николая Азаренков, проректора, профессора Юрия Холина, преподавателей и студентов. Харьковский городской благотворительный фонд Юрия Сапронова устанавливает ежемесячные выплаты в размере 2210 гривен для молодых …

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Oct 01

Chess tournament for schools

30 September 2015 in Kharkiv Karazin successfully passed the next championship on a chess among faculties of men. From 17.00 to 22.00 in the auditorium. 6-52 (name Tarapova IE) team of thirteen departments conducted uncompromising tournament “active” chess (15 minutes per game each of the participants). Congratulations to the team at our faculty with a …

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Sep 29

Scientific achievements of our students

Students of our school Anton Chernov (group RE-41) took part in an international conference Direct an Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED – 2015) which was held on 21-24 September in Lviv. For the best report about “Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Human Cell Irradiation by Impulse Electromagnetic Field” Anton was …

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Sep 28

Excitement: Night of Science at the School

09/28/2015 at the event of Science Day at the School several interesting physical experiments were demonstrated. Instruments were presented made by our own students (pictured an active participant in the event a student of 2nd course of our faculty – Sergey Podchernyaev). Experiments have aroused great interest among the visitors of the event. The day …

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Sep 28

Scientific Conference

20-24 June 2016 on the basis of our university will be held scientific symposium “Physics and engineering of microwave, millimeter and submillimeter waves” (MSMW’2016) and a workshop on terahertz technology (TeraTech’2016), which will be held at the symposium. We invite experts to participate in the symposium. Symposium cite. First call.

Sep 25

Alumni Meeting 1965

The faculty graduates held a meeting in 1965. Congratulations to them on the 50th anniversary issue! We remind his student days and find familiar faces in the picture Lists of graduates.

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