
May 25

Young Scientists Forum

From September 29 to October 2, 2015 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk the International Forum of young scientists in applied physics YSF-2015 will be held. A limited number of travel grants are available. The deadline for online registration and abstract submission is 06/01/2015. Details on the Forum website.

May 24

Video about Day of the School

And let no luck with the weather, but they know a lot of radio physics in the fun! Day RBEKS students talked about the traditions of their faculty, and professors honestly answered the questions immodest. Above the video work: Darin Kulinich Marina Shcherbak

May 22

Scientific achievements of our students

May 20

Scientific achievements of our students

May 15, 2015 in the Palace of students of the National Law University named after Yaroslav the Wise solemn presentation of diplomas to the winners of the IX Kharkiv regional competition of students’ scientific works on natural, technical and humanities. The winners were congratulated Vladimir Petrovich Seminozhenko, chairman of the North-East Nakova center Tatsiy Vasily …

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May 20

European Programme for Regional Cooperation

Accepted documents for grants under the program KEP AUSTRIA. Documents are accepted by a two-step procedure: Applicants must fill out a brief summary of the work not later than Monday 1 June 2015, 17:00:00 (time of Trieste). Only a small number of candidates are the details of his project. Подробности.

May 20

Grants from “SASPRO”

Grants from “SASPRO” (input circuit) are designed for researchers who have not lived or performed their main activity in the Slovak Republic for more than 12 months during the last 3 years prior to application. Start date for receiving applications is 29 April 2015. The deadline for submitting applications is July 27, 2015. Details.

May 18

Day of the School

On Friday, May 15 held a holiday that we have been waiting for a year. Day of the Faculty of physics, biomedical electronics and computer systems was fun and noisy! Traditionally the morning block before the university was held with contests and prizes, as well as a surprise for all became a dance flash mob, …

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May 15

School football tournament

May 12 at the SC “Karazinsky” Dean took the Cup on mini-football. The intense struggle broke out between the participating teams. Each course presented the best players in the competition turned out that radio physics trained hard all year. Just this year, graduates of our faculty participated in the tournament. The main battle took place …

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May 15

School tournament in table tennis

As part of the celebration of the school day was held table tennis tournament. The results impressed many. Butrim Alexander Yurievich (Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical Radiophysics) took 1st place in the difficult struggle. Voronkin Ilya (student of PP-23 champion last year) is the second step of the podium. And the third place in this …

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May 13

School Blitz-tournament on chess

May 12 held a blitz chess tournament (control – 7 minutes per game each of the participants) for the prizes of the Dean of the Faculty of physics, biomedical electronics and computer systems, dedicated to the Day of Radio. A new hope, a long-term tradition. The tournament took part 8 players, among whom were representatives …

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