
May 05

Mexican scholarships for foreigners

The Mexican government has announced a competition for scholarships for foreigners, namely, scholarships for teachers to carry out teaching at educational and research institutions; fellowships for scholars to conduct lectures and research reports; Scholarships “Genaro Estrada” for experts to carry out research projects in Mexico; scholarships for the realization of artistic projects in Mexico; scholarships …

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Apr 28

Announcement for 2nd year students

Students 2nd year groups RR For distribution to departments, you need to write a statement about the distribution (template).In a statement, specify the three highest priority for the department itself, starting with the most preferred.

Apr 22

For students 3rd year

The results of the control work on electrodynamics, which was written on April 21, posted on the website of the Department of Theoretical Radiophysics. Link.

Apr 17

Jobs for our graduates

Abercrombie & Fitch Diversity Champions Award details Postdoc and PhD studentship : Brno, Czech Republic details Postdoctoral researcher : Uppsala, Sweden details Junior Research Group Leader : Dresden, Germany details The Helena Anna Henzl-Gabor Young Women in Science Fund For Postdoctoral Scholars details

Apr 16

Lists of graduates of the School

On our site appeared page , which shows a list of all the graduates of our faculty, starting with the first issue in 1957. Find yourself in these lists and feel like a part of the glorious history of the faculty! Also on this page are photos of different years, which shows the students, teachers …

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Apr 14

Online education

Popular modern teaching methods is the use of training courses on the Internet. For this purpose, video lectures, text materials and homework, as well as the exchange of knowledge in the community of students, teachers and assistants. The most popular online educational resources Coursera EDX

Apr 10

Horizon 2020

Ukraine joined the European Science “Horizon 2020” Ukraine became an associate member of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020”. Agreement on accession to the large grant project was signed in Kiev Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Sergey Kvit and EU Commissioner for Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas. Ukraine will …

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Apr 09

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced a contest

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in collaboration with other academic institutions in Sweden and with support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg began a program aimed at the development of advanced research in Sweden. A contest for young scientists in the field of medicine, natural sciences, engineering, humanities and social sciences. The program provides funding …

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Apr 09

Our student – the champion of Ukraine

Congratulations! Students of our faculty Igor Gavrichkin has become champion of Ukraine to contact karate in the weight category – 80 kg in the “full-freestyle”.

Apr 09

Competition research projects

“Targeted research and development initiatives” In accordance with the Agreement on Cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Science and Technology Centre (STCU) has announced a new joint call NASU and STCU program “Targeted research and development initiatives” with the financing of projects on a parity basis. Details of the …

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