
Oct 20

First impressions of the RBECS school

Biophysical Bulletin passed a multidimensional assessment process and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List 2019 (Index Copernicus International). Index Copernicus experts have set the Index Copernicus Value (ICV) ICV 2019 = 99.81. The resulting ICV score for 2019 is reflected in the list ICI Journals Master List 2019 , as well as in …

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Oct 13

First impressions of the RBECS school

Among of the first-year students of the Radio Physics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems school, a competition “First impressions about the faculty of RBECS” was held. The winner of the competition is student of the group RR-13 Panin Vyacheslav. He was awarded with memorable prizes from the school. Panin V .: Having entered the University …

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Oct 05

Young scientists competition

For young scientists who took part in the first international Ukrainian Microwave Week “ IEEE Ukrainian Microwave Week ” , at With the support of the European Microwave Association ( European Microwave Association -EuMA ) a competition for the best paper was held. The competition took place on September 30 via videoconference. 37 young scientists …

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Oct 02

EuMA internship awards

This November, the European Microwave Association ( European Microwave Association -EuMA ) is launching the Awards for the EuMA internship”. Selected undergraduates and graduate students will be awarded up to five awards of € 4,500 for a three-month internship abroad in one from leading European microwave industry organizations, universities and research institutes supporting this initiative …

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Sep 30

IEEE Ukrainian Microwave Week

The first international Ukrainian Microwave Week “ IEEE Ukrainian Microwave Week ” was held from 21 to 25 September. The UkrMW-2020 is the first international microwave week, which was organized with the aim of bringing together several microwave, antenna and radar conferences and symposia that traditionally take place in Ukraine. The following conferences were held …

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Sep 28

Congratulations to the entrants of 2020!

A solemn ceremony of initiation into students took place on September 27, 2020. Due to quarantine for most freshmen, this event went online. This year 71 applicants have entered the first year of the Faculty of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems. This exceeds the total number of students enrolled in other structural divisions of …

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Aug 25

To the attention of 1th year students!

Jun 23

The participation of our students in the conference

In the period from June 8 to June 14, 2020, the Physicotechnical Institute of Low Temperatures named after B.I. Verkin online conference “International Advanced Study Conference Condensed Matter & Low Temperature Physics 2020(CM&LTP 2020)” was held. At the invitation of the organizing committee of the conference, a large number of students and graduate students of …

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Jun 02

Faculty Methodological Commission meeting

On May 29, a meeting of the faculty methodological commission was held. The following issues were considered at the meeting: distribution of 2nd year students in departments; remote session; improvement of the curriculum of the faculty; distribution of courses between teachers; discovery of new specialties at the faculty.

Jun 02

To the attention of 4th year students!

4th year students are asked to go to the dean’s office to fill out graduation documents.

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