

May 13

School Blitz-tournament on chess

May 12 held a blitz chess tournament (control – 7 minutes per game each of the participants) for the prizes of the Dean of the Faculty of physics, biomedical electronics and computer systems, dedicated to the Day of Radio. A new hope, a long-term tradition.
The tournament took part 8 players, among whom were representatives of students and teachers with graduate students.
As expected, the main struggle broke out between pervorazryadnikom Evgeny Kovalev, Alexei Krivonos, Maxim and Anton Chernov legenky who have experience of successful performances not only for the national team of faculty, but also for the second team of the University at regional competitions.

The uncompromising but fair and noble struggle won a graduate student Yevgeny Kovalev scored 6 points out of 7 possible. With the same result in 5 points while Alex finished graduate student Kryvonos student Anton Chernov and Ph.D., associate professor Maxim legenky (I apologize for the liberty to use, but all of these gentlemen in different years were students of the author these lines! ). It is in that order, and set them an additional measure, which came coefficient Buchholz. For lovers of statistics is a table of interesting and useful event.

As the comments I can only regret that did not participate pervorazryadnikom Roland Akhmedov and Alexander Likhachev that, without a doubt, would make the fight more exciting and tense.

Judge tournament Prof. prof. Lazorenko O.V.

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