

Jun 12

Thesis of our staff

June 5, 2015 in the auditorium. 3-9 Kharkiv National University. VN Karazin defended dissertation Senyuta Vladislav Stanislavovich “Formation of events with a spatially non-uniform polarization in waveguide resonators terahertz” for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, specialty 01.04.03 – radio physics.
Of the 25 members of the Dissertation Council was attended by 22. The result of the voting: 22 – for, 0 – against.
Senyuta Vladislav S. – I category engineer of the Department of Quantum Radiophysics Faculty RBEKS KNU them. VN Karazin. In 2010 he graduated from the RFF KNU them. VN Karasin, received a master’s degree with honors. In 2010 – 2013 he studied at the full-time post-graduate Karazin Karazin, which successfully completed in November 2013. The thesis work was performed at the Department of Quantum Radiophysics KNU faculty RBEKS mime. VN Karazin.
Supervisor: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Vyacheslav Maslov, Kharkiv National University. VN Karazin (Kharkiv), Acting Head of the Department of Quantum Radiophysics.
Have Vladislav further scientific success!

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