

Sep 15

Scholarships and grants Germany

Autumn – a very favorable period for finding scholarships, preparation and submission of documents, passing a language test and the like. Every year the number of opportunities for students is growing. Therefore, we offer a brief overview of scholarships and grants offered by the German government for international students and how they are fed. Since 2014 Ukraine became available program Erasmus + previously applied only to EU countries. It aims at the exchange of students, teachers and administrative staff.
Popular DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service – an organization with many years of successful experience in supporting young scientists and foreigners at different stages of their academic careers. The service offers a number of scholarships – from summer language courses at the graduate school. DAAD funds and German-speaking and English-language training programs, including master. This is a significant advantage for those who are not yet fluent in German, and really want to learn it in Germany.
Internship opportunities in order to increase their level of qualification offer short-term programs, often they occur 1 to 3 months and is well funded. These include, for example, the Countess Marion Denhof program for young journalists or the program of the National Museum of Berlin for young scientists and museum staff.
Equally popular scholarship of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Heinrich Boell Foundation. They are available to students of any specialties, who are planning to study at graduate or postgraduate level. Requirements for obtaining such scholarships lot. Among them – a good level of knowledge of the language certificate confirmed, the existence of letters of recommendation, a motivation letter explaining why the candidate refers to the Fund, and for graduate students also plan to research. It is significant that a prerequisite for the allocation of funds is the existence of an active political or social position of the student.
You can not ignore opportunities for young scientists. Researchers can continue his career in Germany – for their country offers a wide range of programs and grants. The most famous proposition of the Fund named after Alexander von Humboldt, the Company Fraunhofer and Scientific Society Max Planck. To become a member of one of these programs, you need to declare themselves as non-standard scientist who achieved outstanding success in their studies and careers in science.

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