

Jul 11

Congratulations to our young scientists!


The International Scientific Conference “Advancing Society Through Applied Physics, Electrical and Computer Engineering” IEEE UKRCON-2019 took place in Lviv from 2 to 6 July. More than 250 reports on new scientific results in the field of applied physics, electrical and computer engineering were presented at the conference. One of the largest delegations at the conference was a delegation of our school: more than 15 school members took part in the conference, about 25 scientific papers were presented.
Thanks to the support of the European EuMA Microwave Association , a competition of young scientists was held at the conference. Based on the quality of the work (each reviewed by three reviewers), presentations and related discussions, an authoritative international jury decided to award six prizes to young scientists, engineers, researchers or students for the best works. Each prize includes a financial part and a IEEE UKRCON-EuMA color certificate.
Two third places and cash prizes from EuMA for 100 euros were received by representatives of our school, graduate student of theoretical radiophysics Vladislav Khrychov and magistracy student of the department of microwave physics Ekaterina Smirnova. V. Khrychov made a presentation on the topic “Cloak Modeling for Complex Shape Radar Target”, and Smirnova K. presented scientific papers “Multi-band antenna based on quasi-fractal microstrip monopole” and “Radiating unit based on inverted dielectric waveguide”.
Congratulations to our young scientists and wish them continued success!

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