

May 29

The choice of multy-school disciplines


Attention students 1 and 2 courses! The choice of inter-faculty disciplines begins. Students who graduate at the bachelor’s level in the third and fifth semesters (2nd and 3rd year) choose to study one inter-faculty selective discipline per semester. The organization of the election of inter-faculty disciplines for the first semester of the 2020-2021 academic year consists of three stages.

  1. The first stage (from May 29) – introducing students to the list
    interfaculty disciplines for the first semester. During this period, students can watch videos of the teacher’s introduction.
  2. Второй этап (4-7 июня) – выбор дисциплин из предложенного перечня путем непосредственного анкетирования студентов 1 и 2 курсов (с помощью сервиса Google Forms). Во время проведения второго этапа студентам необходимо заполнить анкеты, указав дисциплины в порядке собственного приоритета (не более трех дисциплин в семестр). Студентов, которые не воспользуются своим правом выбора, будет записано на изучение тех дисциплин, которые нужны для оптимизации учебных групп.
  3. The third stage (until July 1) – summarizing the results of the survey and the publication of the results of the choice of inter-faculty disciplines.

The volume of inter-faculty selective discipline is three credits (90 hours), the final semester control is carried out in the form of a set-off.
We draw students’ attention to the courses offered by the teachers of our faculty:

  • 78 General Wave Theory: Mathematical Representation (Lecturer: Associate Professor Rybin O.N.)
  • 79 Programming language Python in scientific calculations (lecturer: Associate Professor Butrym A.Yu.) Video presentation
  • 80 Основы радиационной биофизики (преподаватель: доц. Сичевская Л.В.)
  • 81 Technical calculations, programming and visualization in MATLAB (GNU Octave) (lecturer: Associate Professor Legenkiy M.N.) Video presentation
  • 82 Numerical methods for solving differential and integral equations in scientific problems (lecturer: Associate Professor Bagatska O.V.) Video presentation

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