Students of specialty 105 “Applied physics and nanomaterials”, specializations “Radiophysics and Electronics” after the end of the second year can choose one of 7 specializations. Different specializations are attached to different departments.
List of cycles of special courses 3 – 4 course for free choice of students
- Specialization “Theoretical radiophysics” (3-rd course RR-31, 4-th course RR-41)
Teaches the department of theoretical radiophysics
List of special courses 3 – 4 course
- Numerical methods of theoretical radio physics
- Fundamentals of Theoretical Radiophysics
- Pulse signals
- Analytical and numerical methods for modeling the propagation of electromagnetic waves in complex environments
- The fundamentals of georadiolocation and remote sensing
- Numerical methods in electrodynamics
- Electrodynamic model of composite media
- An introduction to the theory of metamaterials
- Numerical simulation of the interaction of light with planar metamaterials
- Specialization “Quantum Radiophysics” (3-rd course RR-32, 4-th course RR-42)
Teaches the department of quantum radiophysics
List of special courses 3 to 4 courses
- Numerical methods of quantum radiophysics
- Introduction to Photonics
- Radio Optical Basics
- Introduction to Quantum Radiophysics
- Fundamentals of Scientific Research
- experiment setting
- electrical measurements
- Laser optics
- Methods of optical spectroscopy
- Specialization “Physical and biomedical electronics” (3-rd course RR-33, 4th course RR-43)
Teaches the department of physical and biomedical electronics and integrated information technology
List of special courses 3 – 4 courses
- Numerical methods in solid state electronics
- Solid State Physics
- Biomedical research
- Microcontrollers
- Analog and Digital Circuitry
- Semiconductor Electronics
- Optoelectronics
- Specialization “Microwave Physics” (3-rd course RR-34, 4-th course RR-44)
Teaches the department of physics of microwave
List of special courses 3 – 4 courses
- Introduction to Microwave Physics
- Multicars and circles on the microwave
- Model-oriented design in microwave electrodynamics
- Computational methods of electrodynamics
- Methods for solving electrodynamic problems
- Microwave and EHF transmission lines
- Simulation parameters of microwave devices
- Microelectronic devices, optoelectronics and microwave
- microwave Power
- Methods for solving electrodynamic problems
- Specialization “Space Radiophysics” (3-rd course RR-36,4-th course RR-46)
Teaches the department of Space Radiophysics
List of special courses 3 – 4 courses
- Introduction to astronomy
- Compute. Meth. In cos. Radiophysics
- Simulation of cosmic plasma
- Simplified transport equations
- Modern problems of astrophysics
- Physics of cosmic plasma
- Radio astronomy measurements
- Atmospheric physics