Department of Physics of UHF


Pogarsky Acting Head of the Department: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Pogarsky Sergiy O., e-mail:, room 4-1.

Department of UHF Physics is one of the oldest departments of Radiophysics Faculty of Kharkiv National University. VNKarazin. January 2, 2012 marked the 60th anniversary of its founding.Research Areas:тTheoretical and experimental studies of the microwave waveguide structures and EHF, including broadband planar microwave structures and hybrid structures EHF

  • The development of new numerical and asymptotic methods for solving problems of excitation scattering and diffraction of electromagnetic waves
  • Measuring the electromagnetic characteristics of anisotropic dielectrics at microwave frequencies
  • Study of waveguide-dielectric resonators based on magnetized ferrites and dielectrics
  • The development of nonlinear multidimensional theory of excitation of millimeter and submillimeter waves in electron-wave systems based on the Smith-Purcell (orotron, DRO, ledatron, laddertron et al.)
  • The theory of the interaction of non-sinusoidal electromagnetic signals with linear and nonlinear anisotropic media, including chiral.

Over the years the Department has prepared more than 600 experts in the field of physics and technology of microwave who work in universities in the departments of physics and mathematics, research institutes, design bureaus and other institutions.


The measuring unit for non-destructive testing of microwave permittivity materials.


Docents Zvyagintsev AA Denisov DS, Odarenko EH conduct experimental studies of the characteristics of quasi-optical resonator

Site of the departement.