Department of applied electrodynamics

gorobets Head of the Department: Gorobets Nikolai Nikolaevich, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Applied Electronics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, , Email:
Department of Applied Electrodynamics, was founded in 1953.

Specialization of the department: Antennas and Propagation.

Scientific direction of the department: Fundamental studies of radiation of electromagnetic waves, the development of methods of calculation and research of physical phenomena in a circular antennas and arbitrary elliptical polarization. Image acquisition and determination of geometrical and electrical characteristics of distant objects and radio optikogolograficheskimi methods.

By working together, staff and students of the Radiophysics and Mechanics and Mathematics was a complex simulation programs, test site (IMISPOLa) to generate a multi-channel data (multispectral) Space and Aviation sensing. Software package allows you to display a multi-dimensional feature space, characteristics of objects not only in the format of 3-D, but also in the form of M-D (M & gt; 3) with a complete set of its three-dimensional projections of a qualitative assessment of the uncertainty of expertise. This complex can be used for simulation examples in pattern recognition problems with learning, with partial training, classification and clustering of objects not only in the analysis of remote sensing data, but also in a variety of applications, the sciences and humanities, education and economic sectors. In the future we plan to create a complex computer program recognition and classification based on structural and statistical methodology mathematically guarantee the reliability and validity of each charge against the classification of the object, including in conditions of high uncertainty of expert information about the elements of the training sample. There will also be a set of programs for constructing the distinctive characteristics of objects by a new author to substantially reduce (ten times) the dimension of the original features. In order to account for changes in symptoms and characteristics of objects classified in time planned to create computer software complex dynamic model of recognition.

Antennas developed at the Department

antenna1 antenna2
antenna3 antenna4

Site of the department.
Documents of the department.