All-Ukrainian Olympiad of the RBECS department
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in Physics “RadioOlympiad”
The Faculty of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics, and Computer Systems (RBECS) of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University announces the All-Ukrainian Olympiad “RadioOlympiad” aimed at popularizing various fields of modern radiophysics among school students.
Ukrainian school students, even those abroad, are invited to participate in the Olympiad:
- students of grades 10-11, vocational college students, and other individuals taking the NMT in 2025 (senior group);
- students of grades 7-9 (junior group).
The Olympiad consists of two rounds with mandatory pre-registration:
– Registration is carried out via a Google Form until 12:00 on February 10.
– After registration, all participants will receive an email with a unique participant number and the first-round tasks of the Olympiad. The first round will take place from February 13 to 17, offering tests and problems on radiophysics topics.
– Participants who score the qualifying points in the first round will be invited to the second round. The second round of the RadioOlympiad will begin on February 22 in the format of a video conference, where students will be introduced to modern radiophysics and the RBECS faculty. Olympiad tasks will be announced and published, along with hints for solving them.
For the senior group (students of grades 10-11 and college students), the second round offers 5 interesting problems on radiophysics topics.
Junior group participants (students of grades 7-9) will be tasked with analyzing fascinating radiophysics effects and explaining their relation to our faculty.
All participants of the second round will receive electronic certificates of participation in the RadioOlympiad. The best participants will receive memorable prizes and gifts along with winner diplomas. Supervisors (teachers) of participants, whose three or more students submit work, will receive a letter of appreciation from the organizers.
Prizes for RadioOlympiad Participants
Information about the RadioOlympiad in 2018.
Information about the RadioOlympiad in 2019.
Information about the RadioOlympiad in 2020.
Information about the RadioOlympiad in 2021.
Information about the RadioOlympiad in 2022.
Information about the RadioOlympiad in 2023.
Information about the RadioOlympiad in 2024.
Contact numbers:
+380955844549, Vladyslav Serhiiovych
+380931019496, Maksym Mykolaiovych