Council Д 64.051.13

Specialized scientific council D 64.051.13

Formed 25/10/23 for 3 years for the defense of theses for the degree of doctor and candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, specialty:

03.00.02 – biophysics(паспорт спеціальності)

Useful documents can be downloaded here.

Захист дисертації в раді Д 64.01.13

Thesis of Catherine Arkhipova on the Board of D 64.01.13

On May 8, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., at a meeting of the doctoral specialized scientific council D 64.051.13 of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, the defense of the dissertation “Mass spectrometric markers and molecular physical mechanisms of action of biologically active substances” for obtaining the scientific degree of doctor will take place of physical and mathematical sciences with a specialty 03.00.02 – biophysics, senior researcher of the department of molecular biophysics of the Physical and Technical Institute of Low Temperatures named after B.I. Verkin Pashinska Vlada Anatolivna. Doctoral dissertation manuscript; abstract; a conclusion on the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the results of the doctoral dissertation; reviews of opponents; The dissertation registration card is placed here.

The meeting of the doctoral council is planned to be held using video communication tools in real time under the following link, ID conference: 729 370 4002, access code: Studia2024

Those who wish will also be able to join in watching the broadcast of the doctoral dissertation defense in real time on the yuotube channel of the Karazin University.

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