

Apr 04

Miss University

In Karazinsky University on the initiative of the University Cultural Centre, with the help of the trade union committee of students, graduate students and doctoral students and the Student Council held a traditional contest “Miss University”

Naprotjazhenii 3 ex-catwalk participants showed grace, artistry and charisma, and creative and intellectual competitions allow them to discover their talents, show erudition and eloquence. Beauties have conquered the hearts of visitors not only for its beauty, but also romantic and energetic performances, soulful performance of songs and dances of various styles, struck theatrical performances.

Congratulate the participants came and “crowned karazintsy” – beauty and Messrs University last years Inna Chepyakova, Olga Zinchenko, Elina Safronova, Alexander Sosnovsky and biting Nutumbi. Their impressive performances have caused a storm of applause.

Congratulations Darya Nagornykh with the rank of her “Miss Magic smile”


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