Upcoming classes


Schedule of outdoor classes

Course Subject Teacher Time Date Room
1 Physics Assoc. Sukhov V.N. 8:00-9:35 09.02.2015 4-54
1 Linear algebra Assoc. Parfenova N.D. 9:55-11:30 25.03.2015 4-54
2 Computer graphics teacher Klochko T.V. 8:00-9:35 29.04.2015 4-54
2 Theoretical Mechanics prof. Shulga S.N. 9:55-11:30 05.03.2015 3-9
2 Fundamentals of radioelectronics Assoc. Dumin A.N. 11:40-13:15 26.02.2015 3-9
3 Quantum mechanics prof. Yermolaev O.M. 09:55-11:30 24.03.2015 3-9
3 UHF Physics prof. Pogarsky S.A. 08:00-09:35 21.04.2015 3-9
3 Electrodynamics Assoc. Bagatskaya O.V. 11:40-13:15 10.03.2015 3-9
4 Statistical Radiophysics prof. Tishkovets V.P. 09:55-11:30 12.03.2015 4-7
4 Solid State Electronics prof. Arkusha Yu.V. 08:00-09:35 02.04.2015 4-7
4 Nonlinear Radiophysics prof. Chornohor L.F. 11:40-13:15 07.05.2015 4-7