Sport achievements

Radiophysicist – is not only a valuable specialist, but also an active, sporty student. Our students have always been among the best participants of sports competitions, as evidenced by numerous awards (diplomas, cups, medals), which brought in the treasury of the Faculty students of different years of study. Our students are inherent in the indomitable team spirit, constantly receives the prize awards in such sports as basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer, checkers, chess, athletics, table tennis and many others. Participate, win – and sporting spirit of our faculty will help you.

Команда факультету з міні-футболу - чемпіон кубку Овдунова в 2014-2015 навчальному році

Team of the Faculty of mini-football – Ovdunova Cup champion in 2014-2015 school year

65 спартакіада здоров’я змагання з міні-футболу,  групова зустріч між командою нашого факультету (в жовтому) та командою хімічного факультету

67 health
Olympics competitions in mini-football, group meeting between the team of our faculty (in yellow) and a team of the Faculty of Chemistry

diplom9 diplom16 diplom10 diplom15 diplom14 diplom8 diplom13 diplom7 diplom12 diplom6 diplom11 diplom5 diplom1 diplom2 diplom3 diplom4

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