About school

School of radiophysics, biomedical electronics and computer systems

Radio – is the foundation of electronics, radio, telecommunications and technology of the XXI century.

Biomedical electronics – is the foundation of modern medical technology.

Computer systems – is the foundation of the future.

Faculty prepares

Bachelors and masters in the specialties 105 “Applied physics and nanomaterials”, 176 “Micro- and nanosystem engineering” and 126 “Information systems and technologies”.

Terms and conditions of learning

Training is carried out for 5,5 years on a two-stage system. After 4 years, students receive a bachelor’s degree in areas of applied physics or electronics, then another 1,5 years training qualification levels “Master” or “specialist” in accordance with the chosen specialty. Boys faculty simultaneously receive military occupation and become reserve officers. All students from other towns provided with a hostel located at ul. O.Yarosha, 11 (metro station “Botanical Garden”).


The average score of the certificate and the certificate authority’s assessment of knowledge on

  1. mathematic
  2. Ukrainian language and literature,
  3. foreign language,
  4. physics, history of Ukraine, biology, geography or chemistry.

Licensed amount of training bachelors and masters.

Bachelor’s training: 75 people in the direction of “Applied Physics” 25 – in the direction of “Electronics”. Training of specialists and masters: 70 people in the specialty “Radiophysics and Electronics”, 20 – in “Biological Physics” and 15 – in “Physical and biomedical electronics.”

Historical Background

Department of Radiophysics (it formerly Faculty) at Kharkov University was opened in 1952 by special decree of the government of the USSR to prepare highly qualified specialists, which together with deep physical and mathematical knowledge received advanced specialized training in the field of radio. November 25, 2014 the department was renamed the “Department of physics, biomedical electronics and computer systems.”


Faculty Dean – Shulga Sergey, Dr. Sci. Sciences, Professor. Vice-Dean:

  • for Academic Affairs – Maxim Legenkiy, PhD. Sci. Science, Associate Professor;
  • on scientific work – Anatoly Tsymbal, PhD. Sci. Sciences, Associate Professor, State Prize of the USSR;
  • on educational work – Berdnik Sergey, PhD. Sci. sciences.


61022, Kharkov, Freedom Square, 4, Kharkiv National University Karazin, Department of Radiophysics (metro station “University” or “Derzhprom”). E-mail: radiophysics@karazin.ua

Faculty – real strength

Taught by 45 full-time teachers, including 20 professors and 25 associate professors; 13 professors, academicians and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine – part-of the leading scientific institutions of Kharkov. Faculty taught more than 500 students, including those from foreign countries. During graduate school, studying and working on dissertations of more than 20 graduate students and applicants.

Chairs, specialization

  • theoretical physics, computer Radiophysics
  • quantum physics, radio measurements
  • physical and biomedical electronics and integrated information technology
  • Physics microwave
  • space physics, astronomy
  • Applied Electrodynamics
  • Molecular and Medical Biophysics


We have 2 own research laboratories, Radio Observatory (pos. Gaidary); academic institutions NAS: Radio Physics and Electronics, Radio Astronomy, Cryobiology and cryomedicine Medical Radiology, low temperature, single crystals and many other institutions.

Science in the Faculty

Scientific papers are devoted to contemporary problems of studying the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter in order to solve problems of information technology, environment, health, space exploration and development of biophysical techniques. We have experience of international scientific cooperation with scientific and educational institutions of the USA, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, Turkey, China.

The content of student learning

Curricula provide training generalists. General physical-mathematical training at undergraduate involves the acquisition of higher and computational mathematics, information technology, general and theoretical physics. General training in the field of physics, biomedical electronics and biophysics at the undergraduate includes learning the basics of electronics, theory of vibrations and waves, microwave physics, quantum physics, statistical physics, nonlinear physics, computer physics, bio-physical items, etc. Specialization is carried out in the departments on their activities.

Under what conditions, where and by whom can work graduates

Our graduates are able to conduct research, build and operate a variety of electronic systems (in particular, a mobile communication system) to develop energy-saving technologies, conduct environmental monitoring. Acquired skills allow responsibilities ranging from creative participation in research and development in the management and marketing of radio physical, laser, biophysical and biomedical technologies, devices, ideas, know-how, inventions. Graduates may hold primary positions scientists, engineers, programmers, system administrators of computer networks, teacher, counselor, assistant, similar organizations.

Our experience issues specialists

Among graduates 39 State Prizes, 7 academicians and 7 Corr. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, about 120 doctors, professors and 600 associate professors, directors and senior staff of academic institutions, research centers, enterprises and institutions of higher education, as well as prominent businessmen. Graduates of faculty work in research and commercial establishments of Ukraine and another countries. Recent years have shown that a diploma graduate of our faculty is nostrify abroad – many graduates work on grants, or on a permanent basis in foreign countries.