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Jun 12

Scientific work of our students

Third-year student of the faculty Khrychev Vladislav participated in the XXIII International Conference “Mathematics. Education. Informatization”, which took place on May 31, 2015 in Kazan. Vladislav made a report on “the development of radio physics and mathematics.”

May 25

Scientific achievements of our students (26 May)

May 09

Congratulations on the jubilee of Victory Day

May 05

Swiss Government scholarships for foreign scientists

The Swiss government, through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), the various awards scholarships to foreign scientists and researchers. These scholarships provide graduates the opportunity to carry out research in Switzerland at one of the public universities, funded or recognized by this organization. Details.

Apr 09

Competition Ukrainian-France research projects

JOINT COMPETITION NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND THE NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 2016 The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) and the National Centre for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) on the basis of agreement between them announce a competition of joint projects PICS * 2016 for financial support …

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Message from Khrychov Vladyslav

I am a student of 3rd year of the Faculty of physics, biomedical electronics and computer systems. Why I chose this direction? Take such a decision has helped me a number of reasons, namely: Originality and importance of faculty graduates as future specialists in their field. Probably, it is difficult to overestimate the number of …

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Mar 13

Charitable activities of our students

March 6, 2015 university students visited Bogoduhovsky orphanage and gave gifts to children from the charity committee of the Student Council of the University. Chairman of the Charity Commission Student Council KNU named after VN Karazina student of our faculty Pakhotnik Yana

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