
Sep 25

Alumni Meeting 1965

The faculty graduates held a meeting in 1965. Congratulations to them on the 50th anniversary issue! We remind his student days and find familiar faces in the picture Lists of graduates.

Sep 15

Scholarships and grants Germany

Autumn – a very favorable period for finding scholarships, preparation and submission of documents, passing a language test and the like. Every year the number of opportunities for students is growing. Therefore, we offer a brief overview of scholarships and grants offered by the German government for international students and how they are fed. Since …

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Sep 14

Competition Erasmus +

The EU announced the second competition of the Erasmus + Deadline for applications – September 24, 2015. In June 2015 the European Union announced an additional competition for the organization of training credit mobility between institutions of the Member States and partner countries of Erasmus. + It is reported by the press service of the …

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Jun 27

Light from the East

On June 23, the newspaper “Evening Kharkov” published an article by the head of the laboratory of quantum biology and quantum medicine of our school Korobov A.M. “Light from the East”. Read article.

Jun 22


Congratulations on the anniversary of our employee Avlukovu Larisa!

Jun 12


27.12.1944 – 10.06.2015 Dean is sad to announce the death of a member of the NAS of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine, head of the Department of Molecular and Medical Biophysics, our faculty Eugene A. Gordienko and expresses condolences to the families of …

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Jun 08

Congratulations to the dean of the School

Congratulations to the dean of the faculty of Sergei Nikolaevich Shulga with handing him the certificate of honor for conscientious work, outstanding achievements in the work and professionalism!

May 22

Scientific achievements of our students

May 15

School football tournament

May 12 at the SC “Karazinsky” Dean took the Cup on mini-football. The intense struggle broke out between the participating teams. Each course presented the best players in the competition turned out that radio physics trained hard all year. Just this year, graduates of our faculty participated in the tournament. The main battle took place …

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May 15

School tournament in table tennis

As part of the celebration of the school day was held table tennis tournament. The results impressed many. Butrim Alexander Yurievich (Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical Radiophysics) took 1st place in the difficult struggle. Voronkin Ilya (student of PP-23 champion last year) is the second step of the podium. And the third place in this …

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