

Apr 03

Competition Ukrainian-Belarusian research projects


National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine announced a joint competition of research projects “NASB (BRFFR) – NAS-2015” in order to consolidate the efforts of the academies of sciences to finance research carried out jointly by scientists of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine on issues relevant to both sides of the fields:

  • Mathematics, mechanics, computer science and information technology;
  • Physics;
  • Chemistry and chemical engineering;
  • Biological sciences, biotechnology (including medical);
  • Earth sciences, space exploration;
  • Nanosystems and nanotechnology;
  • New substances and materials;
  • Energy, nuclear power.

Applications for the contest serves creative teams of scientists NAS and NAS simultaneously in both organizations in accordance with the forms in them, and the Belarusian scientists in the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (hereinafter BRFFR), Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine.
Requests shall be submitted in Russian or Belarusian language. Project title, keywords, key wording, implementing organizations and supervisors in both versions of the application must be identical, and the joint work plan – a mutually agreed on the timing and content. In terms of the work should be clearly which tasks the Belarusian side, which – Ukrainian, and which – together.
Detailed information can be found at the link.

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