

May 11

Specialty 126 “Information systems and technologies”


The faculty opened a new specialty 126 “Information Systems and Technologies”, the name of the educational program “Information Technology Management of Complex Systems”.

The program is designed to train professionals in the development and maintenance of the Internet of Things, cyborgs, robots, virtual reality, computer systems and special purpose technologies. Our interfaculty and cross-disciplinary training program will ensure your competitive advantage in the labor market (even in difficult times).

Program description
Cyberphysical system is a mechanism controlled by computer algorithms and closely related to the Internet and its users. In cyberphysical systems, software deals with physical objects, such as smart homes, smart power systems, unmanned automotive systems, automated control systems, robotic systems, and self-piloting aircraft. Cyberphysical systems are already becoming part of everyday life, and tomorrow our graduates will implement them in aerospace and military, education, e-sports, automotive, logistics, public infrastructure, renewable energy, health, transport, services, and the entertainment industry. , household appliances, etc.
The purpose of the program is to train specialists in the development, creation and operation of such systems.
You will be able to create and use modern information systems and technologies; assess the quality, reliability, fault tolerance and survivability of such systems and technologies, apply models, methods and tools for optimization and decision-making in the creation and use of information systems and technologies. We develop practical skills in a computer class and a real laboratory with control and measuring devices, software and hardware complexes and tools, network equipment, specialized software, all modern programming languages.
Among other IT students, our graduates have a penchant for R&D (a.k.a. Research and Development) – the ability to analyze, model, predict physical phenomena and processes – the future mainstream of the IT industry.
We will develop your “soft skills”, improve foreign languages, teach teamwork and create a desire for self-education and improvement. Together we will make our country the best!

We are preparing specialists today for work tomorrow!

A classic that is ahead of its time!

Educational and professional program
Educational plan
In 2022, the admission of recruiters
is carried out only for training at
the expense of individuals and / or legal entities.
License: 25 positions.
Cost of education: 25 550 UAH / year

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