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Mar 30

Rewarding the winners of the Radioolympiad

In the photo there are students of the Kharkov secondary school 1-3 st. No. 150 winners of the Radio Olympiad-2021 In February 2021, the Faculty of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems (RBEX) of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University organized All-Ukrainian Olympiad “Radioolympiad”, which aims to popularize various branches of modern radiophysics among schoolchildren. Daniil Krasnikov …

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Mar 24

SoftServe Juniors Day

On March 27, the SoftServe Juniors Day online conference will take place. The conference will address the following issues: • What roles do Developer, QA Engineer, Business Analyst, DevOps, Project Manager play on the project and what hard & soft skills should they have? • How is the interaction between them structured and where do …

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Mar 12

Accreditation of specialty 153

On March 15-16, accreditation of specialty 153 – Micro- and nanosystem technology will take place. Accreditation will take place in the Zoom conference mode. Open meeting with experts: ID 3298 V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, OP 153- Micro- nanosystem technology Hour: 15 March 2021 15:50 Connect to Zoom conference: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73664525173?pwd=bXFFaGVYQUpnOUtLSmVEa05zRlAzUT09 Conference ID: 736 6452 5173 Password: …

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Mar 05

Military department

Kharkiv National University of the Air Force named after Ivan Kozhedub (faculty of training reserve officers under contract) in 2021 is recruiting for military training under the program of reserve officers. Information about military training at KhNUVS Details about military training at KhNUVS Application for military training at KhNUVS

Jan 04

Postgraduate studies in the Netherlands or the United Kingdom

12 positions of a researcher in the field of electrical engineering have been opened. The posts are fully funded by the European Commission under the Marie-Sklovodska Curie program. Ukrainian master’s students (or those who will receive a master’s degree in 2021) in the field of electrical engineering or related industries are invited to the position. …

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Dec 16

Diploma submission

On December 14-15, the faculty defended its dissertations for second-year master’s students. About 40 students successfully submitted the results of their own research to a professional examination board. We wish our graduates to find their vocation in life and to be high-quality specialists after successful defense. In the photo the diploma work on a theme …

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Oct 27

Our freshman is the winner of the Ukrainian kickboxing championship 2020!

On October 15-18, 2020 in Kharkiv, the leading kickboxers of our country fought for the title of Ukraine champions. Andrey Vorotylenko, student of our school of the RB-11 group, performed excellently at these competitions, and became the champion in the “full contact” category and the silver medalist in the “light” category. Congratulations to our athlete …

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Oct 21

Karazin Career Days 2.0

Кінець жовтня обіцяє бути насиченим! Адже ми запрошуємо вас на новий кар’єрний захід Каразінського університету онлайн – Karazin career days 2.0 Перший Karazin career days пройшов мега продуктивно, але цей буде ще цікавішим Цілих п’ять днів на вас чекають: вебінари із рекрутрами провідних компаній України, шо допоможуть зробити перший крок до омріяної кар’єри; пропозиції літнього …

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Oct 20

Dean’s elections

The radiophysics, biomedical electronics and computer systems school dean election will be held soon. Applicants for the position of dean must submit documents, as well as school development programs and work reports for the previous year (if the candidate worked at the University), to the University Documentation Center by 10.11.2020. On November 13, 2020, a …

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Oct 13

First impressions of the RBECS school

Among of the first-year students of the Radio Physics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems school, a competition “First impressions about the faculty of RBECS” was held. The winner of the competition is student of the group RR-13 Panin Vyacheslav. He was awarded with memorable prizes from the school. Panin V .: Having entered the University …

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