
Feb 21

Radioolympiad-2022. Older group

On February 19, the All-Ukrainian Radioolympiad in Physics took place. Karazina for students of 10-11 grades. This year the event took place in a remote format with mandatory pre-registration. More than 900 schoolchildren of 7-11 grades from all regions of Ukraine registered to participate in the Radio Olympiad. As part of the event, a conference …

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Feb 17

Congratulations on the dissertation defending

A 2013 graduate of the Department of Applied Electrodynamics of the Faculty of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems, Yana Volvach defended her dissertation and received her Ph.D. from the University of California at San Diego, one of the leading educational institutions in the United States of America. Currently, she continues to work at this …

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Feb 17

Certification from the Signal Processing Society

Kharkiv Branch of the cell of the International Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEEE Ukraine Section Kharkiv Chapter SP/AP/C/EMC/COM) received certification for three years from the Signal Processing Society (IEEE Signal Processing Society), and the Chairman of the Branch, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Electrodynamics Dumin Alexander Nikolaevich , Deputy Branch and Secretary received …

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Feb 08

Radioolympiad-2022. Younger group

On February 05, the All-Ukrainian Physics Olympiad Radioolympiad of faculty of Radiophysics, Biomedical Electronics and Computer Systems (RBECS) Kharkiv National University named V.N. Karazina for students of 7-9 classes took place. This year the event took place in a remote format with required pre-registration. 570 schoolchildren from all regions of Ukraine registered to participate in …

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Dec 20

International scientific seminar “JWST: a worthy replacement for a legend”

December 23, 2021 at the Physics and Technology Institute for Low Temperatures. B.I. Verkin National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine {} (Kharkiv, prospect Nauki, 47) will host the International Scientific Seminar “JWST: a worthy replacement for a legend”, organized by ISMA OPTICA Student Chapter supported by OPTICA . Seminar program: 11: 00-11: 30 registration 11: …

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Dec 17

Internship on Apigee Practice in SoftServe IT Academy

We start an internship with Apigee in Node.js and Java. You ask – what is Apigee? This is an API Management platform, an element of Google Cloud. It provides an additional infrastructure layer in any developed API that is the interface between the application or user and the services that form the API. Deploying an …

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Dec 16

Trainee Program in IT-JIM

We are happy to announce the next edition of our #Trainee Program to start on Jan 31, 2022 If you are aiming to start a career in #computervision, apply by December 27! The program would be a perfect match for students with engineering specialties or software developers willing to switch to the CV/ML domain. It …

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Nov 03

“Career Start”. Meeting with representatives of the IT company EPAM

On November 24 at 14.00 there will be an on-line meeting with representatives of the IT company EPAM in Meet by link. Since 1993, EPAM has been helping world leaders design, develop and implement software that is changing the world. Since 2005, EPAM Ukraine has been offering its expertise in engineering and product development, helping …

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Oct 12

Night of Science

On October 11, 2021 at 15-15 in classroom 3-9 there was an extended meeting of the professional scientific seminar of the Department of Theoretical Radiophysics of Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazina. At the seminar a presentation was given by Hao XiangYu, a PhD student of the Department of Theoretical Radiophysics, Faculty of Radiophysics, …

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Sep 24

Junior’s Online Conference 2021

Alumni and students of RBECS faculty will host the Junior’s Online Conference 2021 on September 24, to which 16 specialists from key IT professions are invited, they will tell everything about juniors and the necessary knowledge and skills to get on the project. Among the topics of the conference will be a lot of interesting …

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