Elective courses


Attention 4 th year students!

In the 2nd semester of the master’s programs of radiophysicists, biophysicists and biomedicists (5th year, spring semester, 2017-2018 academic year), the discipline of free choice of a cycle of humanitarian and socio-economic training with a volume of 3 credits with a form of control in the form of offset is introduced.
Each student of the future 5 course should choose one of the proposed disciplines. The prerequisite for teaching each of the disciplines is the number of applicants not less than 15 people.
The choice is made from among 3 disciplines, information about which is contained in the annotations:

To the attention of students 1 and 2 courses!

All urgently need to write a statement on the choice of academic disciplines of free choice for the next academic year (autumn and spring semesters II or III course).
You must select three disciplines for each semester and indicate them, starting with the most desired course. You will be recorded only for one of them for the autumn and one for the spring semester.
If all the courses selected by you are not enough, you will be enrolled in some other course, more popular among others. Therefore, to prevent such a situation, it is advisable for you to enroll one course together, agitating your friends and acquaintances from any group of future II and III courses, even from another faculty.
The names of free choice courses can be found in the university website .
In this document, there is

  • the name of the discipline required for the application;
  • the course for which the discipline is read (do not specify discipline if it is not for your year of study !!!);
  • semester, when the discipline is read (do not specify the discipline if it’s not for the relevant semester !!!);
  • the names of the faculties for which the discipline is read (do not specify discipline if it is not for our faculty RBECS !!!);
  • the preconditions for its study (do not specify the discipline, you do not meet these conditions !!!);
  • the minimum and maximum number of students to study it (try to find as many friends to study this discipline to meet the minimum value, otherwise studying this course is not guaranteed.) If the maximum number is exceeded, students with the highest rating will study this course ).

List of elective courses for our school.
Application for the choice of free-choice educational disciplines.
These applications must be submitted to the dean’s office by May 26.